9 Things To Do (Immediately) After You Publish Blog Post

Publishing your blog post is just one piece of the puzzle.

If you’re looking for it to become an immediate sensation among thousands of readers, you need to take a series of steps just as soon as your article has gone live.

Thankfully, these steps are quite small and don’t take too much time. (20 minutes, maybe?)

Spending just 20 minutes here can really make a big difference in your blog traffic.

blogging, after-publish-blog-post


Blogging is 20 percent writing, 80 percent promoting.

Here’s a list of 9 things you should do immediately after hitting that ‘Publish’ button:

1. Submit Links to Google and Bing

As simple as this one may sound, you would be surprised by just how many bloggers forget this. When I was starting 5 years back, I know I did.

Submitting your link is a way of telling to search engines, “Hey, I have published an awesome post. Check it out!”

Now you can do this by simply submitting your post’s link in the generic web form: [Submit URL to Google] and [Submit Your Site To Bing]

However, I would advise you to do this via Webmaster dashboards of Google and Bing.

To know more or for additional help on webmasters, read the official Guides: Google Webmaster+ Bing Webmaster.

2. Twitter and Facebook Next

Sharing on Twitter and Facebook is, of course, a complete MUST.

Don’t stall it for “later” time. Announce to your fans and followers that an awesome post is live now.

3. Schedule Social Media Posts For a Killer (and Consistent Campaign)

Since you’re sharing your post on social media platforms already, do it properly.

Schedule at least 5 posts for each of your major social accounts. You can easily do this by using Freemium tools like Hootsuite and Buffer.

For each post, use unique and interesting titles and captions. Don’t do cold-promotion.

4. Tell Subscribers About The New Post

Push an email to all your blog subscribers informing them about the new post.

Now if you have automated this process via RSS feed and automation tool like Mailchimp, whereupon the subscribers get emails right after you publish a new article, good. They will receive a snippet of your post and will likely visit the blog. A real time saver.

However, another approach is to send them all a personalized email. This way there will be a higher chance of readers clicking on the link and coming to your blog.

A simple email telling them about your new post and how they would find it helpful would be more than adequate. Nothing more than 7-9 lines.

Recommended Read: How to capture email of your first-time blog visitors

5. Login to Aggregator Sites

Aggregator sites are like a community where links are submitted to be voted on and discussed.

Reddit is the most popular of such websites. Alltop, Popurls, and Boxnutt are few other renowned names.

Find the most suitable aggregator for your niche, signup/sign-in there and share your latest post’s URL.

Note: Don’t do this on too many websites. Just the top and most relevant ones are more than enough.

6. Answer Questions on Quora and Other Niche Forums

Chances are, whatever you have written in your article is already being discussed on Quora. Someone has already asked a question on that topic.

Join that conversation.
And then with care and subtlety, answer the question while also promoting your post. Again, don’t just go there, post link and return back. Engagement is the key here.

Take up a similar approach for other niche forums.


7. Talk to People On Other Blogs’ Comment Section

Who are your biggest and most successful competitors?

Head to their websites. Pick a relevant post that matches your latest article’s topic and has an active comment section. And then comment there yourself.

While it’s very unlikely that you’re going to get the DoFollow link, you can easily grab the eyes of your competitors’ audience by good comments/observations/answers. This way you can introduce them to your own brand without being promotional.

It may take some time to engage others. So make your first move right after you have published your post. And then keep the talk alive in the comment section of different posts.

8. Internal Link Audit to Pass on the Juice

Link building is one major factor in content marketing and SEO success. So it’s time now to internal link your new article in other older posts.

Pick related posts that, preferably, have high traffic. And then link your new article in its body, wherever it seems fit, using keyword-rich anchor texts.

Don’t forget to fetch your now-updated old post on Google and Bink webmasters.

9. Approach Other Bloggers (Without Looking Desperate)

Mail or Tweet your industry influencers and other popular individuals and companies that have a decent following. Be friendly and tell them about your latest post.

Explain it to them why this post would be useful to their audience. If you sell well, they wouldn’t mind mentioning your name and article in their social posts.

But, if you fail in persuading them, which would happen often, don’t be disappointed. There are many fishes in the pond. Next time, approach different ones.


These are 9 things you should do immediately after publishing your blog post.

Doing these for the first time could take some time. However, if you make this habit, it would take you way less than the initial-mentioned 20 minutes.

Understand — a slight effort here can boost your blog traffic significantly.

So the next time you push that ‘publish’ button, don’t hit the couch soon after. Instead, work for 20 minutes more. It could dramatically change things for your blog.

Recommended Read: 15 Things That Will Destroy Your Blog

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Asif Ali

The guy behind Spell Out Marketing. A certified content marketer and professional blogger with 5+ years experience in the domain. Find me on Medium here. Let's talk about inbound marketing, business and side-hustle on Twitter. (And oh, if you're on LinkedIn, let's connect!)